Trail works in Hodgemoor, July 2024

Trail works in Hodgemoor, July 2024

Following the decisions of the Hodgemoor Riding Association’s AGM of November 2023 (see footnote [1]) we have received and accepted contractors’ quotes. Forestry England undertakes the works at the cost of the Hodgemoor Riding Association under the contract of 2016 (see footnote [2]) under which horse riders have the right to use the permissive trails in Hodgemoor and the obligation to fund maintenance. Since 2001 we have raised over £250,000 and have helped make Hodgemoor Woods into an amenity of such value to all users including walkers.

Cyclists are permitted to go on the bridleways (a statutory right) and the horse trails (a permissive right accorded by Forestry Englanbd and the Hodgemoor Riding Association) but are not allowed to ride on footpaths or anywhere else in the woods. Horse-riders pay and annual membership; cyclists are encouraged to contribute by joining (link at footnote [3])

Works start on Wednesday 31 July and will continue for about 10 days. The car park in Bottrells Lane will be closed during the works to minimise danger to walkers, cyclists, riders and dogs around the heavy earth-moving equipment. Work is done respecting the woods’ status as a Site of Special Scientific Interest and Natural England’s requirements including the use of pH-neutral hoggin. Each part of the work in the list below has an alpha-ident relating it to the map at

D – Amber’s Trail link to Bracken Ride.  

Rebuild 10 metre section of the trail which has turned to mud – 250mm depth of 50mm limestone and 50mm depth of hoggin.

10T limestone and 2T hoggin.

E – Yellow Brick Road. 2 x 10 metre separate sections half way up trail- 250mm depth of 50mm limestone and 50mm depth of hoggin.

20T limestone and 4T hoggin.

F – Rawlings Corner. Build up the ground between the two southerly posts preventing vehicles from getting into the woods, puddle all year.

3T type 1 granite

I – The Mount. Break-up of surface on the slope due to uncontrolled flood flow. The solution is to install water bars or interceptor dykes, large stones or strong wood embedded diagonally in the trail at intervals.

5 x 2m length waterbars – made up of 150mm-300mm limestone rocks.

J – The Mount. 20m section of path. The tree roots at the top of the Mount are quite an obstacle now – raise the surface of the path with new material – 250mm depth of 50mm limestone and 50mm depth of hoggin.

20T limestone and 4T hoggin.

K – The Glade. The Glade needs 10 metre resurfacing as it has turned to mud over the culvert pipe. Second area further up needs 10 metres resurfacing – 250mm depth of 50mm limestone and 50mm depth of hoggin.

20T limestone and 5T hoggin.

 L – The Glade. Large puddle at the bottom of the Glade towards Widmer Corner, junction with the Dell – 2 x Culverts and 25m resurfacing required – 250mm depth of 50mm limestone and 50mm depth of hoggin.

25T limestone and 5T hoggin.

300mm diameter culverts – 10m and 3m lengths

M – Western Bridle Path (aka Old Bridle Path). break-up of surface on the slope at the Widmer end creating gorge. Install culvert and ditching.

300mm diameter culvert – 5m length.

Circa 15m ditching (300-500mm depth)

N – Western Bridle Path (aka Old Bridle Path). Some work needed one third of the way to join sections of surfaced track – 50m length – 250mm depth of 50mm limestone and 50mm depth of hoggin.

45T limestone and 10T hoggin.

Total Materials Required

140T 50mm limestone, 30T hoggin (locally sourced), 3T granite type 1, 18m 300mm diameter culvert and 10m length of waterbar (large rock/limestone)


Map at needing-work-2024-MB-SAB-alpha-idents.jpg  


Marcus Bicknell, chairman, Hodgemoor Riding Association

and voluntary Forest Warden, Hodgemoor, Forestry England

Susie Bicknell, secretary, Hodgemoor Riding Association


Hodgemoor Riding Association

A Charitable Unincorporated Association under the United Kingdom’s 2011 Charities Act.

Homefarm Orchard, Kirby Close, Threehouseholds, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks HP8 4FF phone 01494 872447 – Marcus mobile and WhatsApp 07748 111444 – Susie mobile and WhatsApp 07876 581144.



[3] and scroll down to payment options.

New map of Hodgemoor

Thanks to our friends Bob Beresford and Mark  Thompson in the Thames Valley Orienteering Club, we are proud to make available to riders, cyclists, walkers and all users of Hodgemoor Woods a new detailed map (thumbnail on the right).

The bridle-paths are shown in red and the permissive horse trails (where cyclists may also ride) are shown in blue. Neither cycling nor horse-riding is permitted on the footpaths (in black) or elsewhere in the woods (Forestry England bye-laws). Roads are in light brown.

You can download an A4 copy at 830kb at

This map has a QR code which is used on display posters in the woods and in horse livery yards for users to access on their smart phones. Point you smartphone camera at the QR code, then click on the yellow link which appears towards the bottom of your screen.

We also have a high definition copy at 2.16mb which you can get from us by email; request at

Water run-offs and dry trails

Here are the photos of Frank Everest at work and the water run-offs afterwards. Success. The trails have negliible standing water on them. More text below the images.

This started off as a little posting to thank Frank for digging out the water run-offs last Friday. It is turned into a much wider celebration of everything that is good in people. It’s easy to post a rant, isn’t it, and unfortunately is full of them. So when something is good in life, we owe it to ourselves to post that as well. Susie and I find it such a privilege to be part of a very positive group of people, the horse riders, who have found a way over the years to coexist beautifully with walkers and cyclists (in all but a very few cases). There has been peace in the woods for many years, and we all relish the idea that so many people can benefit, both in physically and mentally, from it as an amenity for all of us. It has been very difficult to get more than three or four people at a time out for the volunteer sessions when we chip away with our little spades or clip away with secateurs. So when there is major work to be done we normally have to recourse to spending tens of thousands of pounds of club money (your money, not tax payers’) to get the contractors in. By the way, the next phase of trail renovation will probably be in summer 2024.

One task which does not require a huge contract is digging out the water run-offs, or ‘grips’ as Forestry England call them. These are needed so that water does not accumulate on the path but runs off into small metre-long man-made ponds off the side. Water pooling on the trails means the horses hooves turn it to mud and that little stream of water eventually destroy the surface of the trail. Remember, building the trails costs about £110 per metre; and that’s your money, members’ contributions, and some fundraising.

Imagine our delight, then, when Lana Craker of Waylands Equestrian, long-term supporter of the Hodgemoor Riding Association, called us to say that her partner Frank Everest was willing to deploy one of his diggers and his own services for a day. Having got the permission of Forestry England (thank you Rob and Simon) and completed the Health and Safety paperwork requirements we managed to get out in the woods on Friday. I had marked most of the sites and accompanied him throughout. Frank’s skill both in the dig and in the beautifying enabled us to complete two days’ work in four hours between nine and one, including the really big culverts on Susie’s Loop east side and the Mount (top and bottom). I am extremely grateful to Frank and appreciative of his fine work.

But you can see why I choose to write about the bigger picture. When we work together it can be harmonious and satisfying. That is a life many of us like to lead.

Post-script 3 days later. Success. I have been looking in the last couple of days at the results of digging out the water run-offs by Frank Everest and the results are excellent. In every case, the trail is free of water, even after these heavy rains, and the run-off shows signs of water having been collected, and then absorbed. we feel confident that the life of the paths are greatly extended by this work. A stitch in time saves nine. Comments always gratefully received. Marcus

Clearing the water run-offs on the trails in Hodgemoor Woods

On Friday 13th October 2023 our friend Frank Everest will be using one of his mini-diggers under Forestry England supervision to clear the silt and debris from about 50 grips along the trails in Hodgemoor Woods. Thank you Frank

    1. A grip is what Forestry England call a water run-off, that is a hollow in the earth next to the trail into which rainwater can flow. Why are they important? If water lies on the trail then the passage of cyclists and especially horses turns the surface into mud and breaks up the hardcore hoggin if which the surface is made. Such degradation massively shortens the life of the trails on which the Hodgemoor Riding Association has spent over £250,000. You can see the detail of these sums on our web site at HodgemoorRidingAssociation_21year_income_deployed
    2. With the passage of time silt and debrtis runs off the trails and fills up the grips, rendering them useless. See the four images at the bottom of this page. Regular emptying of the grips is therefore essential. We will be giving attention to those on the steep parts of the trail, notably at the Mount, where diagonal channels lead rushing rainwater away from the path. The places where work is needed have been indcated with yellow marker on 10 October (right).
    3. We can remind members that at the request of Forestry England cyclists have been permitted to use the horse trails, without contributing money, since 2017. Cyclists are not allowed anywhere else in Hodgemoor, neither on the footpaths nor free-riding.
    4. The minutes of our last AGM recorded “370 metres of trail repairs were done in October 2019 at a total cost was for £29,800 to which the Association contributed £15,300, about half. Forestry England agreed to pay half this time because of new regs imposing on us a contractor which was more expensive than our regular one. You can see a map at · With income of about 5,000 p.a., the Association would by 2024 have about £28 ,000 available with which we could rebuild 350 metres if the rate is still £80/metre (if FE do not contribute). Forestry England would prefer to wait till 2024 and do more metrage as the last works were disruptive. With that in mind, the the Chairman and Secretary proposed next works in 2024, for economies of scale. The meeting agreed.”
    5. How are we doing with trail repairs? We request members (and walkers and cyclists) to let us know where you think work is needed. Susie and Marcus are compiling a list which will be submitted to Forestry ENgland shortly after the AGM of Monday 20th November. Speak now! Your help is much appreciated (and of course useless if after Nvember!). If a member would like to suggest expenditure of club funds ouside Hodgemoor then please do so. We do have reserves, as published on, Treasurer’s Reports
Dora’s winning photo

Dora’s winning photo

The annual Hodgemoor Wildlife Junior Photography Award was judged on Saturday 2nd September at the Chalfont St Giles village show. There were some super entries.

Congratulations to the winner Dora Hiely-Rayner with her photo of a male Holly Blue butterfly and a honey bee in a blackberry hedgerow. The Holly Blue made a welcome comeback in the UK after years of scarcity in the noughties and likes life in the southeast and Midlands.  The photo was taken in the brambles at the edge of Hodgemoor as you enter from the direction of the White Hart. She wanted to take the photo of the butterfly and was lucky the bee flew in as she was taking it!

Animal-loving Dora is 8 and loves going for walks in Hodgemoor with her whippet puppy Storm. The family goes all together for a walk there at least once a week… it’s exalted company because Dora’s sister Anya accompanied her entry last year with a coloured painting of the Hodgemoor logo which was adopted as the Hodgemoor Riding Association logo for the year.

Well done Dora. Enjoy your glass tankard trophy, your £20 from the Hodgemoor Riding Association and the £20 voucher from Southbank Photography in St Giles for framing the winning picture.

The Hodgemoor Wildlife Junior Photography Award

The Hodgemoor Wildlife Junior Photography Award at the Chalfont St Giles Show.

The Hodgemoor Riding Association and its 300 members sponsor an annual cup and a cash prize in the Junior Photography Section. Since 1999 the Association has raised over £240,000 for the renovation and maintenance of the 6km of horse-riding trails in the woods and nearby, improving this popular amenity for all users, whether walkers, cyclists or horse-riders. The winner each year keeps this engraved one-pint glass tankard, £20 from the Hodgemoor Riding Association (attached to this certificate) and a voucher from Southbank Photography in St Giles for framing of the winning entry or £20 off any order.

To be awarded today 2nd Sept 2023 at the Chalfont St Giles Show.


The Hodgemoor Wildlife Junior Photography Award 2022

The Hodgemoor Wildlife Junior Photography Award 2022

The Hodgemoor Wildlife Junior Photography Award. The Hodgemoor Riding Association and its 300 members are sponsoring an annual cup and a cash prize in the Junior Photography Section of the Chalfont St Giles Show on Saturday 3rd September 2022. Since 1999 the Association has raised over £250,000 for the renovation and maintenance of the 6km of horse-riding trails in the woods, improving this popular amenity for all users, whether walkers, cyclists or horse-riders. Entries for the Hodgemoor Wildlife Junior Photography Award may be of a horse or horses but must have a significant wildlife feature in the photo, i.e. not just a portrait of the horse. Photos of “wild life” will be preferred by the judges. If you would like some inspiration then take a loook at the 2017 compilation by 15-year-old Harry Whiting of Chalfont St Giles at

Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st Prize £3.00, 2nd Prize £2.00, 3rd Prize £1.00. The winner will also receive an engraved tankard to keep. Southbank Photography in St Giles is offering framing of the winning entry or a £20 voucher.

For this award, “Junior” means you must be under 18 years old on the day of the show. Work that has been done at school or at outside activities may be entered, as well as that produced at home. Your birthdate must be entered on your entry form, and all work submitted must be entirely the Junior’s own work. The deadline for the return of paper entry forms is SATURDAY 27th AUGUST 2022, at 12 NOON, unless otherwise indicated in the class. The entry form ONLY may be handed in to one of the show agents (please do not leave exhibits at the agent’s shops).

Common Buzzard: note the rounded tail

Online entries must be received by midnight on Sunday 28th August 2022. Please note: your entry will only have been logged by our system if you receive a confirmation email to the email address specified. Check your spam box if you are unsure or check with the competitions manager, Christine Drury 07747 867879. On Show Day, we advise that your finished photo, in paper form not digital, should be brought well before 9.15am. It is easy to underestimate the time needed to locate the classes (especially if you have more than entry in the show) and display exhibits. All photographs may be colour or black and white. They may be digitally enhanced but not manipulated in any way. All photographs may be up to 10” x 8” (25cm x 20cm) excluding mount if used and can be taken using any device. eg Camera, smart phone etc. The photograph(s) exhibited must NOT have been shown at a previous Chalfont St Giles Show.

We would like to encourage you to enter competitions through our online entry system, which will be available on our website at during the summer. Online entries must be received before midnight on Sunday 28th August 2022. The link to the photo and details of the entrants’ names and ages should be emailed to and to by the deadline for online entries which is midnight on Sunday 28th August 2022


Wickham Way badger and rabbit holes – planning

Here is our newsletter sent today to 314 members and stakeholders of the Hodgemoor Riding Association. If you would like to be included, membership is as low as £5 p.a. for walkers and cyclists and £20 for horse-riders (

Wickham Way badger and rabbit holes

Susie and Marcus had a useful meeting on Monday 5th July at the Wickham Way bridlepath approaching the Spring Link where badgers and rabbits have been tunnelling and creating critical danger for horse riders… well, of course, for the horses themselves.

The meeting was organised by Phill Fox, the Rights of Way Structures Inspector in the Rights of Way Operations of the Highways & Technical Services, Buckinghamshire Council, with the Buckinghamshire Badger Group (, Alison Wolfreys and Mike Collard. They were able to advise Phill, as they have done in the past, on the ways of keeping the badgers and rabbits from tunnelling under the bridleway there. The subsoil is delightful soft sand; the badger sett, discreetly hidden on the north side of the bridleway, is the biggest in Hodgemoor. Next step is for Phill to take the case to the Ecology experts of Buckinghamshire Council and to apply for the license from Natural England in accordance with statutory guidance given by the Secretary of State. (see…/2020-badger-control-licences… and elsewhere for further reading). It looked as if no active badger holes would be affected if Bucks Council could proceed with the works to protect passing horses. The preferred solution is a vertical two-metre-deep grid of wire along 90 metres of the north side of path, which will either deter tunnelling or make the badgers tunnel at such a depth that a horse stepping on the surface will fall through.

We were also pleased to have the presence and points of view of Ian Hawes, Seer Green resident and active with Tiggywinkles, the free wildlife hospital, the busiest and most advanced in the world, in Haddenham (

We first reported to the authorities the danger of this section of the bridlepath in November 2019 and the issues were discussed at our AGM at the end of 2020. You can find the report at . It reads “The meeting agreed   that the Association   should contribute to   the cost of   doing this if Bucks CC can’t meet full cost, as it was a top priority to make this much used bridleway and access to the woods safe.” The committee will be asked to approve a final figure. Covid-19 has been partly to do with the delay to the process but the energies in place make it possible that the works can be done this year before the embargo on badger control strarting November each year.

You can see videos of adorable badger cubs in this very sett taken by Harry Whiting of St Giles … Please do not visit the sett (but be informed that Alison and Mike might make a night-time census of the badger numbers in the near future). No badgers will be culled and it looks as if no active setts will be interfered with.…/badgers_hodgemoor_2018_Harry.avi…/badgers_hodgemoor_2018_2_Harry.avi


Volunteer Clearing – your woods need you

Help clipping back the edges of the trails or digging water run-offs where they have filled up. Come for an hour or two. You know how much Susie, Marcus and one or two committee members work in the woods on your behalf… now is the chance for you to say thank you and play your part, especially as the membership fee is so tiny! We are proposing a variety of dates so that you cannot be occupied elsewhere on every date!

  • This Sunday 18th July: The Seer Green loop starting near Widmer Equestrian.
  • Saturday 14th August 10h: Hodgemoor Woods car park
  • Sunday 29th August 10h: Hodgemoor Woods car park


Wickham Way grass cut

I have topped the grass on each side of the Wickham Way from Seer Green / St Giles to the east end of the wood (map Nice conditions there and in Hodgemoor.   I have also topped the wide verge in Narcot Lane and will give it another go soon. No charge to Hodgemoor. Mini XC jump field closed till the hay is cut.


Pip has been found

We are so pleased that Hodgemoor’s Facebook is such an active help to the local community. A lady from Chorleywood lost her miniature dachshund on 30th June. We helped, along with other Facebook pages like the Chalfont St Giles Selling and Information Group, to put out the word. Many volunteers went out into Hodgemoor even at night to look for Pip. By a miracle she was found 5 days later on the other side of the main road, safe and sound; just wandering around getting hungry. Harriet wrote “PIP HAS BEEN FOUND! The best news. The community has just been amazing. Thank you everyone for sharing and looking. I am blown away by the support “.


Redevelopment of Perkins Elmer site

Proposed redevelopment of Perkins Elmer site on main access route from Seer Green into Hodgemoor: please submit your views’ There is a proposal to replace the existing office building with 31 new homes on this site located right on the double bend on Chalfont Road and the turn-off into Rawlings Lane, the main access route for horse-riders into Hodgemoor Woods. To the eye, a well-designed development would probably be preferable to the existing office building, but the proposal does not appear to have taken into account that traffic will increase throughout the day, and although pedestrians and cyclists are mentioned for a possible new entrance, no consideration is given to horse-riders. We would be grateful if you could submit your views on and make it clear that this dangerous double bend is in constant use by horse-riders and what do the developers plan to do to keep them safe.



It is heart-warming when we get an ex-gratia donation to your association; that means more in the kitty for creating and maintaining the wonderful all-weather trails in Hodgemoor. Today we thank a lady who would prefer to remain anonymous who gave £65 … she has ridden a few times in the area and has fallen in love with what we do. Thank you.


Dressage as an art form

“If the art were not so difficult we would have plenty of good riders and excellently ridden horses, but as it is the art requires, in addition to everything else, character traits that are not combined in everyone: inexhaustible patience, firm perseverance under stress, courage combined with quiet alertness. If the seed is present only a true, deep love for the horse can develop these character traits to the height that alone will lead to the goal.”

Gustav Steinbrech

Processionary Moth in Hodgemoor

Processionary Moth in Hodgemoor

Message from Forestry England…

“I wanted to let you know that Oak Processionary Moth has been found at Hodgemoor. This is a potentially hazardous species that can cause skin irritation and breathing difficulties. At present there is only one confirmed site on the edge of the woodland and the risk is very small to the public. Contractors will be making several site visits to treat the affected tree and conduct follow up visits.

“Can you please share the attached leaflet with your members; this provides greater detail on the moths and what to look out for.


Regards, Rob

Rob Bell

Beat Forester – Chilterns

Forestry England | Chilterns Forest Office| Upper Icknield Way | Aston Clinton | Aylesbury| Bucks | HP22 5NF

Office :- 0300 067 4163