The Hodgemoor Wildlife Junior Photography Award. The Hodgemoor Riding Association and its 300 members are sponsoring an annual cup and a cash prize in the Junior Photography Section of the Chalfont St Giles Show on Saturday 3rd September 2022. Since 1999 the Association has raised over £250,000 for the renovation and maintenance of the 6km of horse-riding trails in the woods, improving this popular amenity for all users, whether walkers, cyclists or horse-riders. Entries for the Hodgemoor Wildlife Junior Photography Award may be of a horse or horses but must have a significant wildlife feature in the photo, i.e. not just a portrait of the horse. Photos of “wild life” will be preferred by the judges. If you would like some inspiration then take a loook at the 2017 compilation by 15-year-old Harry Whiting of Chalfont St Giles at
Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st Prize £3.00, 2nd Prize £2.00, 3rd Prize £1.00. The winner will also receive an engraved tankard to keep. Southbank Photography in St Giles is offering framing of the winning entry or a £20 voucher.
For this award, “Junior” means you must be under 18 years old on the day of the show. Work that has been done at school or at outside activities may be entered, as well as that produced at home. Your birthdate must be entered on your entry form, and all work submitted must be entirely the Junior’s own work. The deadline for the return of paper entry forms is SATURDAY 27th AUGUST 2022, at 12 NOON, unless otherwise indicated in the class. The entry form ONLY may be handed in to one of the show agents (please do not leave exhibits at the agent’s shops).

Online entries must be received by midnight on Sunday 28th August 2022. Please note: your entry will only have been logged by our system if you receive a confirmation email to the email address specified. Check your spam box if you are unsure or check with the competitions manager, Christine Drury 07747 867879. On Show Day, we advise that your finished photo, in paper form not digital, should be brought well before 9.15am. It is easy to underestimate the time needed to locate the classes (especially if you have more than entry in the show) and display exhibits. All photographs may be colour or black and white. They may be digitally enhanced but not manipulated in any way. All photographs may be up to 10” x 8” (25cm x 20cm) excluding mount if used and can be taken using any device. eg Camera, smart phone etc. The photograph(s) exhibited must NOT have been shown at a previous Chalfont St Giles Show.
We would like to encourage you to enter competitions through our online entry system, which will be available on our website at during the summer. Online entries must be received before midnight on Sunday 28th August 2022. The link to the photo and details of the entrants’ names and ages should be emailed to and to by the deadline for online entries which is midnight on Sunday 28th August 2022