The agenda for the AGM of 6 November is available here:
Month: October 2024
Pay by standing order
If you pay your membership by bank transfer please consider making it a standing order. This greatly reduces the work to be done by the Hodgemoor Riding Association secretary, work done since 2000 by Susie Bicknell. We have put the standing order form on our website now, to encourage you to download it, fill it out and get it back to us (email or post). The form is in MS Word so you can type in your details easily…
We confirm that the Association will reimburse you any monies paid on a standing order after you notify us of your leaving the area and the Association.
By the way, if you pay be PayPal then setting up a PayPal annual payment to us is even easier. Then the secretary does not have to remind you and chase you every year.
Thanks in advance, Marcus

Anna Martin talks at our AGM: fitting the bit
We’re looking forward to hearing Anna Martin talk on having your horse’s bit fitted… just as important as saddle fitting. Wednesday 6th November at 7.30 for 8.oo p.m. at The Reading Room, High St, Chalfont Saint Giles HP8 4QH.